
Great Wedding Speaches: "Do"s And "Do Not"s

I once read that soldiers tend to behave in a real war in the same way that they are in a training. It just shows how important the practice is.

So after composing your speech, you probably need to do a little rehearsal and get familiar with it. 5 minutes is the typical length of a wedding speech or toast. But it could be an uneasy and horrified experience if you are not well prepared.

I used to do it 20-30 times before the wedding, until I feel really comfortable with everything and don't have to peek at my card from time to time during the speaking. Follow these "DO"s and "DO NOT"s when you're practicing. They can find them in all the successful wedding speaches.

Do: Stand straight, show you confident by making eye contact. Everyone is nervous before the moment including any expert. But the tip is people only see what you show them. So don’t let you body language sell you out. Looking into a mirror can help when you practice.

Do: Speak clearly and slowly. The best and the only way to let your audience get your points is get the words into their ears without harsh. You usually don’t want to emphasis them too much for a more natural sense and just take your time.

Do: Do you job sincerely. Remember you are chosen to give wedding speaches by the brides because they trust you. You should trust yourself also. Those things from the bottom of your heart will form those heart-touching wedding speaches.

Do Not: Over-drink for Dutch courage. Some bad cases tell us that too much alcohol is not only going to calm your nerves, but also will slow down your thinking and disturb your tone—which is crucial for you to speak clearly—even prevent you from standing up.

Do Not: Speak too long. I know you’ve got so much to say, but just remind yourself that nobody likes long stories in this case. People would like your well-organized, interesting details-filled and short stories. Make sure your script is shorter than 1000 words, or say it can be written within 2 pages of letter sized paper. Longer than that means you will not be able to finish it in 5 minutes if you are at a rate of 200WPM. Watch you watch when you practice, do the necessary abridgment.

Do Not: Abuse humor without taste. Think about who would be seating there, grandmothers and kids! Stories about cixes need be strictly banded in your wedding speaches. Use proper materials to compose a beautiful one and people will adore that.

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Great Wedding Speaches: My Story

Grown up in a big family I’ve attended countless weddings. It used to be a funny thing to watch our wedding-speakers-to-be (my father, my uncles and cousins) torture themselves for days in pursuit of the perfect words for their wedding speaches. Well, interesting enough, not everyone ended up with peoples clapping.

As it says you won’t understand until you play it yourself. About 10 years ago, it came my turn to get on the stake. I was invited to be the best man for one of my cousins and -- I remember clearly until today that -- it was a unspeakable struggling moment when I was starting to compose my first ever best man speach. I had so many details to say but didn’t know how to put those pieces of memories together. I stood in front of the mirror and watched my confidence drift away. I felt I would screw it up and became more nervous and afraid.

But it turned out that at least my luck was still with me. A friend of mine introduced me to Dan – a nice guy, smart and with a gift of humor - the author of the popular wedding speaches guide package today, but at that time he was just helping his friends prepare wedding speaches as a hobby. We met at a street corner cafĂ© in one shinny afternoon. It didn't take long before I realized that this guy really knows the stuff when it comes to wedding speaches writing. We talked and discussed and imagined and laughed... and finally composed my best man’s speech out!

And this one turned out to be just extraordinary. My grandma even laughed with tears at the end of my speach. Everyone loved it and my family members are still talking about it. "It is a legend!"

Since then, I’ve been invited perform more welcome, farewell, birthday and wedding speaches in all kinds of family events. With all my confidence and sometimes advice from Dan, I did pretty well.

What I've learned was wedding speaches can be difficult to solve, but with the proper help, practice and sincerity, you can give your memorable wedding speaches that touches the hearts of the bride, groom and everyone invited.

So I put some tips on how to prepare a killer wedding speach here for everyone needs help on that. Because I've been there and I understand how important a good start means for you and how important your stunning wedding speach is for the “BIG” day.

Hope it helps.

Best Wishes,
Peter Brendon
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